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Windows tips
Windows 11
Windows 11 Windows explorer tips
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Prikazati sve ikone u system trayu
Otvoriti Command prompt sa administratorskim ovlastima i zalijepiti slijedeće: explorer shell:::{05d7b0f4-2121-4eff-bf6b-ed3f69b894d9}
Instalirati Win 11 s lokalnim računom
Kod prvog pokretanja Windowsa 11 nakon instalacije, kada računalo bude tražilo regiju i tipkovnicu stisnuti shift+F10
i ukucati:
Windowsi će se restartati. Sada opet na istom mjestu stisnuti shift+F10
i ukucati:
ipconfig /release
Sada će se u koraku kod odabira internet veze pojaviti opcija:
I don't have internet
Windows 10
Sakriti mape u Windows 10 File Exploreru
3D object Hide External drives duplicates Hide OneDrive Hide
Prikazati mape u Windows 10 File Exploreru
3D object Show External drives duplicates Show OneDrive Show
Uninstall GRUB and use Windows bootloader
c:\bootsect /nt60 c: /mbr
mountvol S: /S
cd .\EFI\
Remove-Item -Recurse .\ubuntu
bcdboot C:\windows /s S: /f UEFI
Recreate boot partition on MBR (non UEFI) Windows installation
Boot Windows 10 installation USB
Click on Repair your computer
Click on Troubleshoot
Click on Command Prompt
list disk
select disk #
(partition with windows installation)
create part primary size=512
select part #
(the one just created)
format fs=ntfs quick label=“System Reserved”
list vol
(to make note of your new partition)
select vol #
(where the # is the number assigned to your volume)
assign letter E
(the letter can be any non-assigned drive letter)
bootrec /fixmbr
bcdboot C:\Windows /s e:
(to close the command prompt and click on Continue to boot)